Workplace e
mergencies can be completely eliminated, but if you have a strong emergency response plan and if your workers are trained to respond appropriately and quickly, then you can possibly save many lives. Commitment of the management to this cause and worker involvement is very important if you want to implement an effective emergency safety plan.
It is very important to keep your workers fully informed about the action plan and regularly review this plan to see if any changes or additions need to be made. But how good is your emergency action plan? Here are a few questions that should be asked:

It is very important to keep your workers fully informed about the action plan and regularly review this plan to see if any changes or additions need to be made. But how good is your emergency action plan? Here are a few questions that should be asked:
- Is there a way to report emergencies after an incident?
- Who should be responsible for making decisions during an emergency?
- Does everyone in your workplace know what safety procedures to follow in case of an emergency?
- Do all the workers know about the escape routes and evacuation procedures?
- Do your workers know where the emergency supplies are?
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